B-O-N-E-S Beating Osteoporosis Naturally, Easily, Sensibly

B-O-N-E-S Beating Osteoporosis Naturally, Easily, Sensibly

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Osteoporosis is a major public health threat for more than 44 million Americans age 50 and older. More than 10 million people in the U.S. already have osteoporosis and that number is rapidly growing.

With the help of Bernardo Merizalde, MD, a change in diet, and without pharmaceuticals, Robert Pirello did more than arrest his osteoporosis...he cured it.

In this tale of passion and recovery, Robert takes you on his journey and shows you how to maintain... and regain.. healthy bones.

Let Robert, with Dr. Merizalde and me show you how strong bones can be yours naturally, easily, sensibly.